The Old Anglican Cemetery is the site of a mid-nineteenth century Anglican graveyard located on Charles’ Hill at 007 Tucker’s Road, Cow Head, NL. The cemetery is on a hill and faces the ocean. The designation includes the gravesites and surrounding land.
Statement of Significance
Formal Recognition Type
Municipal Heritage Building, Structure or Land
Heritage Value
The Old Anglican Cemetery has been designated a municipal heritage site by the Town of Cow Head due to its historic value.
This cemetery is the first Anglican graveyard in Cow Head and dates back to the children of the first settlers. It contains many of the gravesites of the first settlers of Cow Head: the Payne, Hutchings, Bennett (Benoit), Vincent, Taylor and Hewlin families. Ancestors of many of these first settlers still reside in the community. The gravesites of the settlers overlook the harbour of Cow Head where these families earned their living from the sea.
Source: Town of Cow Head, passed by a motion of council at a meeting held on February 17, 2003.
Character Defining Elements
All those elements that reflect the early nineteenth century cemetery, including:
-inscribed headstones;
-location on a hill and overlooking the ocean, and;
-the open space surrounding the gravesites.
Location and History
Cow Head
Town of Cow Head
Civic Address
007 Tucker's Road
Construction (circa)
1855 - 1855
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