The All Saints Anglican Cemetery #1 is one of the oldest in Conception Bay South. It is situated on a small hill in Foxtrap, Conception Bay South, NL overlooking Conception Bay. The designation encompasses the entire cemetery grounds.
Statement of Significance
Formal Recognition Type
Municipal Heritage Building, Structure or Land
Heritage Value
The All Saints Anglican Cemetery #1 was designated a municipal heritage site by the Town of Conception Bay South due to its spiritual, aesthetic and historic value.
The All Saints Anglican Cemetery #1 has spiritual value because it represents the belief system of the earliest settlers. The original, marked gravestones date back to the 1850s, but there are a vast number of slate stones with no markings on them that probably date in the 19th century. This suggests that people were unable to obtain commercially produced headstones. Instead, they would have used local slate, often picked up off the beach, or other outcroppings, and would have searched for stones that approximated commercially produced markers. This demonstrated how the early community respected their dead and how, even when formal markers could not be obtained, they took the time to mark the graves with slate stones. The cemetery is also a reminder that the earliest settlers were likely Christian and that a Christian system of belief was in place.
The All Saints Anglican Cemetery #1 has aesthetic value due to its environmental setting. It is located on a small hill overlooking the ocean and can be seen from the water. It follows a typical early pattern of graveyards for the area. As well, the headstones all face east, representing an ancient practice of placing the deceased feet towards the rising sun.
The All Saints Anglican Cemetery #1 has historic value because it is one of the oldest cemeteries in Conception Bay South. With the earliest known grave listed at 1850, the slate markers may indicate graves as early as 1800.
Source: Town of Conception Bay South Regular Council Meeting Motion #02-399 August 6, 2002.
Character Defining Elements
All those elements which represent the age, natural environment and sacred function of the cemetery, including:
-original memorial stones and slate markers, with their surviving inscriptions;
-location on a hill and overlooking the beach;
-orientation of graves facing east, and;
-well-aged and weathered patina of the grave markers.
Location and History
Conception Bay South (Foxtrap)
Town of Conception Bay South
Civic Address
Oake's Lane, Foxtrap
Construction (circa)
2002 - 2002
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