For 20 years Heritage NL has sponsored a poster contest highlighting heritage places in the province. We challenge students from grades K-12 to get creative – and each and every year we are thrilled with the results. From Nain on the north coast of Labrador to Trepassey on the Southern Shore of the island, students have told us why local heritage places are important to them. Today’s young people will one day be the custodians of our province’s built heritage. And our Heritage Places Poster Contest is proof positive that our province’s heritage places are valued by Newfoundlanders and Labradorians of all ages.
How to enter
Create a piece of art showing an existing heritage place in your own community or region and tell us why it is important to you.
The contest is open to K-12 students residing in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Contest Package
Promotional Flyer/Promotion (pdf) English & Français
Letter to Teachers/Lettre aux enseignants (pdf) English & Français
Guidelines/Concours d’affiches (pdf) English & Français
Student Entry Form/Formulaire d’inscription (pdf) English & Français
For more information contact Andrea at 1-888-739-1892 extension 4 or
Heritage NL gratefully acknowledges the sponsorship of Provincial Historic Sites.