Municipalities occasionally offer support for heritage. Current programs include:
- City of St. John’s – Heritage Financial Incentives Program (grants and fee waivers)
- Town of Conception Bay South – Heritage Grants (grants for municipally designated heritage properties)
A number of other funding programs can apply toward the restoration of heritage buildings. Most of these are accessible to either not-for-profit organizations or businesses:
The provincial government’s JobsNL Wage Subsidy Program may be an option for employers (both profit and not-for-profit) to cover some labour costs.
Established not-for-profit organizations or local governments can apply to the provincial government’s Community Enhancement Employment Program. Any funds awarded through these programs for the purpose of exterior restoration can count towards the owner’s contribution.
Businesses, communities and organizations may also contact the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency to discuss funding opportunities as well as the provincial Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation.
The Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (CCSF), through the federal Department of Canadian Heritage, supports the improvement of physical conditions for arts, heritage culture and creative innovation.
The Building Communities through Arts and Heritage – Legacy Fund, through the federal Department of Canadian Heritage, provides funding for community-initiated capital projects, intended for community use.
The Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF), through Employment and Social Development Canada, provides funding for projects that make communities and workplaces across Canada more accessible for persons with disabilities.
The Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program, through Infrastructure Canada, supports green and accessible retrofits, repairs or upgrades of existing public community buildings that serve high-needs, underserved communities across Canada.
The National Cost-Sharing Program for Heritage Places, through Parks Canada, is open to owners and eligible lessees of national historic sites, heritage lighthouses and heritage railway stations.
The Green Municipal Fund, through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, helps local governments switch to sustainable practices.
National Housing Strategy Initiatives, through Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, funding and financing opportunities to renew and/or renovate the existing affordable housing stock.
This Place Matters is the National Trust’s crowdfunding competition that directs much-needed funding to historic places.
The National Trust’s Find Funding Tool contains information about and links to foundations, corporations, and government departments that support heritage conservation and events, and programming for historic places.