Clarenville Railway Station is a rectangular, single-storey, wooden, hip-roofed building with large overhanging eaves. It is located at 7 Stanley Crescent, off Marine Drive in Clarenville, NL. The designation is confined to the footprint of the building.
Statement of Significance
Formal Recognition Type
Registered Heritage Structure
Heritage Value
Clarenville Railway Station has been designated a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador in 2014 due to its historic, cultural, social and aesthetic values. Clarenville Railway Station has historic value because it survives from a period in Newfoundland history when rail was a primary means of transportation, before the Trans-Canada Highway was completed in the mid-1960s. The railway station at Clarenville was constructed in 1891 by the Newfoundland Railway. It was one of five service centres in Newfoundland at the time and included a roundhouse and service buildings. The current station building was constructed in 1942 and is one of few buildings directly related to the railway remaining in the town. Following confederation with Canada in 1949, the railway and all associated buildings were operated by Canadian National Railway. Clarenville Railway Station has further historic and cultural value because the establishment of the railway was a turning point in the community’s growth into a regional hub of commercial activity and transportation at the base of the Bonavista Peninsula. The five small communities that amalgamated to form Clarenville were initially based around lumbering and farming, but Clarenville grew into a service community upon the construction of a railway station. The Bonavista Branch Line later connected to the main line at Clarenville. Clarenville Railway Station was a major employer until its closure in 1988. Other businesses and services also developed along with the station to serve the larger population and travelers. The station was also crucial in the establishment of other major ventures in Clarenville, including the Colas plant (an emulsified asphalt product) and the Clarenville Shipyard, which also relied on it to transport goods. Clarenville Railway Station has social value because of the various roles it has played in community life. In addition to its railway function, it also once housed the local telegraph office and customs office. The Clarenville Shrine Club took ownership of the building in 1996, later sharing it with the local Masons, Clarenville Masonic Lodge No. 23. As the Clarenville Shrine-Masonic Centre, the building was purportedly the first headquarters building shared by Shriners and Masons in North America. Clarenville Railway Station has aesthetic value as an example of a period railway station building in Newfoundland. Its basic rectangular, single-storey, wooden-frame design, including its hipped roof with large overhanging eaves, is fairly typical of its kind. The protruding, gable-capped central sections at the front and back are more unusual, and lend architectural interest. The building retains most of its original style multi-paned, wooden windows, and is clad in typical yellow painted clapboard, with green wooden trims and cornerboards. Altogether, the building remains a defining, landmark structure at the historic centre of Clarenville. Source: Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador property file “Clarenville – Clarenville Railway Station – FPT 5110”
Character Defining Elements
All those exterior elements that are indicative of the age and original function of the building, and that contribute to its design aesthetic, including: -single storey construction; -rectangular building plan; -hip roof and ridge lines; -projection and style of eaves; -gable-capped central sections at the front and back; -narrow, painted wooden clapboard, corner boards, eaves and trims; -size, style, trim and placement of wooden windows; -size, style, trim and placement of exterior wooden doors; -dimensions, location, materials and design of verandah on rear facade; -traditional yellow and green colour scheme associated with railway stations; -dimension and orientation of building, and; -location in the historic centre of Clarenville.
Location and History
Town of Clarenville
Civic Address
1 A Masonic Terrace
Construction (circa)
19700101 - 19700101
Rectangular Long Façade
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