The Green Family Forge is a large wooden building with a shed roof located in Trinity, Trinity Bay. The designation is confined to the footprint of the building.
Statement of Significance
Formal Recognition Type
Registered Heritage Structure
Heritage Value
The Green Family Forge was designated a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador in 1991 because of its historic and aesthetic value.
The Green Family Forge has historic value due to its associations with the Green Family and the blacksmithing business. The Green family, who originated from Trinity, were well known throughout the region for being among the best blacksmiths and tinsmiths in Newfoundland. For fifty years they used this forge, primarily making tools, horseshoes, fences and items used for fishing and shipbuilding, for distribution throughout Newfoundland.
The Green Family Forge has aesthetic value because it is a good example of a type of family-run forge typical of Newfoundland during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Built between 1890 and 1900 by the Green family, this forge is uncomplicated in design and exterior detailing, reflecting its utilitarian uses. This wooden structure is two storeys in height with a shed roof, closely resembling many other Newfoundland outbuildings. Unadorned windows are placed in an asymmetrical pattern throughout the building, showing the builders concern for functionality over aesthetic balance. One very notable aspect of this building is its large size. Unlike many of the other outport forges throughout Newfoundland, this building is quite large with two blacksmith’s fireplaces and bellows, and specific areas for carrying out other various tasks. The size of this building is representative of the success of the family blacksmithing business in Trinity, Trinity Bay during its time of operation.
Source: Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador property file “Trinity – Green Family Forge – FPT 149”
Character Defining Elements
All original features which relate to the age, vernacular construction, and functions of the forge including:
-shed roof;
-narrow wooden clapboard;
-location, use of traditional materials and dimensions of windows;
-location, use of traditional materials and dimensions of door;
-simplicity of exterior decoration;
-dimensions and location of forge and brick chimney; and
-all interior features which relate to the function of the building as a working forge.
One of what were a number of Trinity forges, Green’s is unusual by virtue of its size. It was built by the Green family to replace an existing forge in the area operated by them. The interior is large for forges of that time, having two fires – one large and one small. Often both would be in use to keep up with the demand for services. Various tools and bellows related to the blacksmith trade are housed in the interior. The exterior is plain and is representative of a fast disappearing building type typical to early industrial operations. For over two centuries the Greens worked as blacksmiths, supplying ironwork for shipbuilding, fishing and other purposes until the closure of the forge in 1955.
Location and History
Trinity, Trinity Bay
Town of Trinity
Civic Address
Corner of West St. and Dandy Lane
Construction (circa)
1890 - 1900
The Green Family
Rectangular Short Façade
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