Stanley Ford Home and Outbuildings are located at 87 – 93 Main Street in Jackson’s Arm, NL. The house is a wooden, square, two storey with a low hip roof. The wooden outbuildings include a storage shed at the left side of the house; a sheep house, cellar and workhouse at the right side of the dwelling; as well as an outhouse and a two storey fishing shed on the wharf. The designation includes the site and all structures and buildings upon it.
Formal Recognition Type
Municipal Heritage Building, Structure or Land
Heritage Value
Stanley Ford Home and Outbuildings have been designated a municipal heritage site by the Town of Jackson’s Arm due to its historic, cultural and aesthetic value.
Stanley Ford Home and Outbuildings have historic and cultural value as one of the oldest surviving properties in Jackson’s Arm exhibiting the rural community’s connection to the land and the sea. The economy of the Jackson’s Arm area has been strongly linked to the fishing and lumbering industries. On a household economy level, gardening and animal husbandry have been an historically important element in rural Newfoundland, and complementary to fishing. The collection of vernacular wooden outbuildings to the right of the Stanley Ford Home illustrates the Ford family’s fishing and subsistence farming practices.
Stanley Ford Home and Outbuildings have aesthetic value as a cluster of domestic, fishery and farm buildings and structures located at the traditional centre of the community. They are visible from the main road and from across the harbour. The Stanley Ford Home is a 20th century vernacular, white painted wooden dwelling with a low hip roof. It was constructed in 1947, upon Ford’s return to Jackson’s Arm after serving in the Newfoundland Overseas Forestry Unit during World War II. It has wood windows, doors and trims, and is sheathed in narrow clapboard siding of fir, no doubt locally cut and sawed, given the region’s history of forestry and sawmill enterprises. There is a small, wooden, white storage shed located to the left of the house. The agriculture related buildings include a sheep house/shed of vertical log construction, with a mid-pitch roof, and a vegetable cellar with a shed roof. The fishery related buildings include a wood frame workhouse which was used for boat construction and related activities. On the wharf there is a white painted water closet (outhouse) with a shed roof and a two storey, wood frame fish store with a mid-pitch roof and double vertical board doors. The fish store has a traditional colour scheme, painted red with white trims, and has diamond shapes painted on the main door and loft door. There is also a large cast iron bark pot, used for boiling bark from coniferous trees in order to coat and preserve fishing lines and nets, on the property.
Source: Town Council Meeting Minutes, Town of Jackson’s Arm, 2006/01/12.
Character Defining Elements
All those exterior features of the house which are indicative of its age and domestic function:
-simple form and vernacular style;
-low hip roof;
-white painted narrow clapboard siding and wooden trims;
-wooden windows and doors;
-placement of windows and doors;
-number of storeys and dimensions of the building, and;
-the massing of the house in relation to the other buildings on the property.
All those exterior and interior elements of the cluster of agricultural and fisheries buildings and related features on the property, which are indicative of their era and functions:
-forms (including roof types), dimensions, materials and finishes of the buildings;
-vertical log construction of the sheep shed;
-type, size and placement of windows and doors;
-red and white paint scheme of the fish store;
-unfinished interiors;
-the wharf, and;
-the presence and location of the barking pot.
Those other characteristics of the overall site which are related to its cultural landscape value:
-the placement and orientation of the buildings in the landscape;
-the massing of outbuildings in relation to each other, and;
-the location of the site in proximity to the ocean.