The New House is a three storey wooden residential duplex located at 337 Southside Road, St. John’s, NL. Built between 1876-1878, it is a fine example of Second Empire design. The designation is confined to the footprint of the building.
Statement of Significance
Formal Recognition Type
Registered Heritage Structure
Heritage Value
The New House has been designated a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador because of its aesthetic, historical and cultural value. The New House has aesthetic value as it is an excellent representative example of Second Empire style housing, a type which gained great popularity in St. John’s during the mid 1800s. The concave-curved mansard roof with pedimented dormer windows, the decorative brackets under the eaves, and elaborate pilasters and entablatures on the front facade are elements characteristic of the Second Empire Style as it appears in St. John’s. The house is also a fine example of the craftsmanship of master builder William Campbell, who is more well known for his work on George Street United Church. The New House has historical value because of its association with the White family and their descendants. Edward White and his sons made a significant contribution to the fishing industry in Newfoundland. They were sealing captains and the elder White was also a shipbuilder who pioneered the use of large wooden steamers in the seal fishery. Edward White also made contributions to the political and social development of the colony, serving as a member of the Legislative Council from 1861-1885 and minister without portfolio from 1882-1885. During his tenure in politics, White introduced the first sealing legislation that included in its provisions a fixed date for the opening of the seal-fishing season. One of the best-known residents of the New House was Newfoundland scholar and educator George M. Story, Edward White’s great-grandson. His collaborative effort, The Dictionary of Newfoundland English, remains a definitive study of Newfoundland culture. The New House has cultural value as it stands as a physical reminder of a particular time and place. When the house was constructed, Southside Road existed as a mixture of fishing and boating building premises situated in close proximity to a small number of impressive homes. While some of these homes still remain, modern improvements to the waterside have changed the landscape of the area. Buildings such as the New House are reminders of this earlier time. Source: Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador property file “St. John’s – The New House 335-337 Southside Road – FPT 1644/1645”
Character Defining Elements
All elements that define the building’s Second Empire Design including: -mansard roof; -number of storeys; -narrow clapboard; -corner boards; -window size, style, trim and placement; -size, style, trim and placement of exterior doors; -location of enclosed porch on right front facade; -original form, scale and massing of porch on right front facade; -pedimented dormer placement and style; -dormer window size and style; -stone wall foundation; -chimney style and placement; and, -dimension, location and orientation of building.
Location and History
St. John's
City of St. John's
Civic Address
337 Southside Road
Construction (circa)
19700101 - 19700101
William Campbell
Rectangular Short Façade
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