Drogheda (also known as Valley of Hope) includes a one story house with a steeply pitched gable roof, a two story barn, an outhouse and a well. This property, which was built in the mid 1800s is located in Clarke’s Beach, NL. The designation is confined to the property.
Statement of Significance
Formal Recognition Type
Registered Heritage Structure
Heritage Value
Drogheda was designated a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador in 1997 because of its historic and aesthetic value. Drogheda has historic value because it represents the era when people in Clarke’s Beach took part in farming and sawmilling for a living. The Coveyduck family farmed the land there and also started a sawmilling business because of the vast amounts of white spruce and eastern pine. Since this property was used as both a dwelling and for work, there are outbuildings which reflect this dual purpose. John Coveyduck built the house somewhere around 1850. Drogheda has aesthetic value because it is representative of the building styles used in the Clarke’s Beach area and Conception and Trinity Bay areas. The gable roof, simple trim on doors and windows and the symmetrical placement of windows speak of the builder’s style and influences. Similarly, the outbuildings are quite simple, reflecting the style of the time. Source: Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador property file “Clarke’s Beach – Drogheda (Valley of Hope) – FPT 1514”
Character Defining Elements
All original features which relate to the age and style of the property including: – gable roof on the house; – simple window trim; – simple door trim; – original windows; – window and door placement; – original door; – ladder on roof; – central chimney; – all existing interior decoration that reflect age and style of house; – simplicity of outbuilding decoration; – all interior features of barn that relate to its intended use; – fence surrounding property, and; – dimensions, location, orientation of outbuildings.
Location and History
Clarke's Beach
Town of Clarke's Beach
Construction (circa)
1850 - 1850
John Coveyduck
Rectangular Long Façade
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