Lockyer/Swyers House, constructed circa 1911, is a two-storey structure built in Second Empire style with a mansard roof and bay windows. It is located on Coster Street in Bonavista, NL. The designation is confined to the footprint of the building.
Statement of Significance
Formal Recognition Type
Registered Heritage Structure
Heritage Value
Lockyer/Swyers House was designated a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador in 1999 because of its aesthetic and historic value. Lockyer/Swyers House has aesthetic value as it is a good example of Second Empire style housing, complete with unique exterior and interior design details. It is a valuable example of a house constructed by master craftsman Ronald Strathie, who is noted as a builder of institutional structures. Lockyer/Swyers House serves as a testament to the creativity and architectural proficiency of the Strathie family. Lockyer/Swyers House has historic value because of its association with the merchant class in outport Newfoundland, specifically Bonavista. The house was built by John Lockyer, who was employed as a manager by the merchant firm of James Ryan. It speaks to the wealth of this class during the early twentieth century and is evidence of the prosperity of the fishery in Bonavista during this time. Source: Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador property file “Bonavista – Lockyer/Swyers House – FPT 111”
Character Defining Elements
All those elements which represent the aesthetic value of Lockyer/Swyers House, including: -mansard roof (including the placement of felt on the flat roof and wooden shingles on the vertical roofs); -two-storey bay windows (including pediments, bargeboard, eave brackets, dentils, clapboard on the bias); -number of storeys; -narrow clapboard; -corner boards; -window style, size, trim and placement; -size, style, trim and placement of exterior doors; -placement and profile of chimneys; -location of porch on left gable end; -dimension, location and orientation of building; and -intricate ten-test detailing on the interior.
Location and History
Town of Bonavista
Civic Address
117 Coster Street
Construction (circa)
19700101 - 19700101
Ronald Strathie
Rectangular Long Façade
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