62 Water Street is a one-and-a-half storey, bungalow style, wooden structure located on Water Street in Carbonear, NL. Built in 1919 by Jack Saunders of the well-known firm Saunders and Howell, 62 Water Street provides an example of bungalow style construction in the early 20th century. The designation is confined to the footprint of the building.
Statement of Significance
Formal Recognition Type
Registered Heritage Structure
Heritage Value
62 Water Street was designated a Registered Heritage Structure by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador in 1993 for its aesthetic and historic value. 62 Water Street has aesthetic value as it is an excellent example of early 20th century bungalow style construction. Constructed of wood, the structure has a hipped roof and dormers that are typical of this style of architecture. Furthermore, the covered porch supported by a wooden column and the well preserved woodwork on the interior is also indicative of the bungalow style. 62 Water Street also has aesthetic value for its association with builder Jack Saunders. Saunders was instrumental to the formation of the firm Saunders and Howell – which went on to become one of the most successful building and manufacturing firms in the province. 62 Water Street is one of the best examples of Saunders’ early work. 62 Water Street has further aesthetic value due to its location in the community of Carbonear. East Water Street is the historically prosperous area of Carbonear and the location of this building in the East Water Street area of the community suggests the prosperity of this time period. 62 Water Street has historic value because it provides a reminder of the prosperity in Carbonear in the early 20th century. There are few remaining grand houses in Carbonear and 62 Water Street is one of the best remaining examples of the economic vitality of this period. Source: Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador property file “Carbonear- 62 Water Street – FPT 1510”
Character Defining Elements
All those features that speak to the bungalow style of the structure, including: -Interior woodwork; -eaves brackets; -hipped roof; -hipped dormer; -single hung windows with diamond shaped panes in the upper sash; -narrow wooden clapboard; -bay windows; -size, shape and position of windows on façade, and; -location in East Water Street area of Carbonear.
Location and History
Town of Carbonear
Civic Address
062 Water Street
Construction (circa)
1919 - 1919
Bert Powell, Jack Saunders(of Saunders and Howell), Jack Saunders(Saunders Howell)
Rectangular Short Façade
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